Polaris Slingshot is a STREET LEGAL, TRACK-READY 3-wheel trike. No doors and no windows means Slingshot is registered in Wisconsin as an autocycle.
With it's unique "Batmobile" design, eye-catching colors and stunning performance, everyone will have their eyes on you.
A motorcycle endorsement is not required to operate a Polaris Slingshot in Wisconsin. Only a valid driver's license is mandatory.
Wisconsin DMV designates Polaris Slingshot as an autocycle and a special license plate is required.
SlingshotWI dealers recommend that you ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET. But if you are 18 years or older it is NOT REQUIRED IN WISCONSIN.
OTHER STATES DO REQUIRE HELMETS. Please check the laws in other states like Illinois, Minnesota and Michigan before you cross state borders.
®SlingshotWI.com Slingshot® is a three-wheeled motorcycle. It is not an automobile and does not meet automotive safety standards. Drivers should always wear helmets and seat belts. Drivers may need a valid motorcycle license or endorsement – check state operator licensing laws. Don’t drink and drive. U.S. models shown with optional accessories. Slingshot® and Slingshade™ are trademarks of Polaris Industries Inc. ©2023 Polaris Industries Inc.
Copyright © 2024 Polaris Slingshot Wisconsin - All Rights Reserved.